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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages gapcontinue="XMREngine.builtins" />
      <page pageid="3" ns="0" title="XMREngine.advflowctl">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">Provide advanced flow-control statements similar to other programming 

Enabled by:  xmroption advflowctl;



'break'    : valid in 'do', 'for', 'foreach', 'switch', 'while'
'continue' : valid in 'do', 'for', 'foreach', 'while'

'&amp;&amp;&amp;' : provides short-circuiting AND operation
        left-hand operand evaluated before right-hand operand
        right-hand operand evaluated only if left-hand operand is true
'|||' : provides short-circuiting OR operation
        left-hand operand evaluated before right-hand operand
        right-hand operand evaluated only if left-hand operand is false

'constant' usage as follows:

    'constant' name '=' constantexpr ';'

    constantexpr := floatconstant | integerconstant | stringconstant | constantexpr constbinop constantexpr | constunop constantexpr
    constbinop   := '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '&amp;' | '|' | '^'
    constunop    := '-' | '~'

    name is defined to be the same type as constantexpr

    Note: &amp; | ^ ~ require all integer operands
          - * / % require either integer or float operands
          only + is valid for strings

'switch' usage as follows :

    'switch' '(' integerexpression ')' '{'
        [ 'case' integerconstantexpression [ '...' integerconstantexpression ']' ':' singlestatement ]*
        [ 'default' ':' singlestatement ]

the switch statement is also valid for string expressions, for example:

    switch (command) {
        case &quot;turnleft&quot;: {
            TurnLeft ();
        case &quot;turnright&quot;: {
            TurnRight ();
        default: llOwnerSay (&quot;dont know how to handle &quot; + command);
      <page pageid="4" ns="0" title="XMREngine.arrays">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS

Arrays are associative in that the index can be any immutable type, and any 
given array can have a mix of index types and a mix of value types.  In 
particular, the index of an array can be a list to provide multiple-dimension 
array functionality.

(Note:  For fixed-dimension arrays, see [[XMREngine.objects]]).

The index can be type float, key, list, integer, rotation, string, vector.

Unlike other LSL script types, arrays are mutable.  So, unlike lists, arrays 
can be passed to a function, the function can modify the array, and the caller 
will see the changes made by the function, all without any array copying.

Enabled by:  xmroption arrays;


    array       declare variable to be an array, and make it initially empty
    foreach     iterate through all elements in an array
    in          keyword part of foreach statement
    is          test array element to be a particular type
    object      declare variable that can hold any type
    undef       test object or array element to hold undefined element

Declare an array:

    'array' name ';'


        array ar;

Insert or replace element:

    name '[' index ']' '=' value ';'

        name  : was declared with 'array' statement
        index : lsl value of type float, key, list, integer, rotation, string, vector
        value : lsl value of any type

        ar[3] = &quot;abcdef&quot;;
        ar[&quot;five&quot;] = [ &quot;one&quot;, &quot;two&quot;, &quot;three&quot; ];
        ar[5.0,&quot;six&quot;] = 7;

Delete element:

    name '[' index ']' '=' undef ';'

        it is not an error to delete an element that does not exist


        ar[&quot;five&quot;] = undef;

Retrieve element:

    name '[' index ']'

        if element not defined, return value is 'undef'



Test type of object:

    &lt;object&gt; is &lt;type&gt;  =&gt;  integer 0 or 1
    &lt;object&gt; is undef   =&gt;  integer 0 or 1

    object o;
    if (o is integer) ...
    if (o is string) ... etc

Methods and Properties:

    ar.clear()  // empty array, returns type void
    ar.count    // get number of elements in array, returns type integer
    ar.index(i) // get index of i'th (zero based) element, returns type object
    ar.value(i) // get value of i'th (zero based) element, returns type object

Iterate through all elements:

    array ar;
    object k;
    object v;
    foreach (k,v in ar) {
        k holds the index
        v holds the value
        llOwnerSay(&quot;ar[&quot; + (string)k + &quot;]=&quot; + (string)v);

    // alternatively:

    object k;
    object v;
    integer n = ar.count;
    for (integer i = 0; i &lt; n; i ++) {
        k = ar.index(i);
        v = ar.value(i);
        llOwnerSay((string)i + &quot;: ar[&quot; + (string)k + &quot;]=&quot; + (string)v);